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Accessibility Statement have built this website with web accessibility in mind.

We have integrated a number of enhancements to make using this website accessible for people with disability.

We have ensured most of our web pages are compliant with Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and conforms to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) where possible. We have tested on WAVE, other user agent tools and plugins.

We are working on improving all our web pages to WCAG 2.2 AA standards.


Our website content links are not ambiguous. All our links are descriptive and have purpose, from the link text alone the user can determine their next move. Also, all the content links in the white background are green and underlined when the user hovers the mouse over the links.


We have made use of descriptive headings, which identifies the content within.


Most of our images have alternative text embedded in the HTML where relevant so when the image itself cannot be displayed, the relevant alternative text will show as a substitute.


We have integrated skip to content, skip to navigation and skip to sitemap page in our code to aid users to bypass sections where they see fit. Also, our menu navigation is consistent throughout our website and the user can see where they are located with the breadcrumb trail e.g. About iAdControl › Our Vision, Mission & Values.

Colour contrast

We have also passed WCAG AA and WCAG AAA colour contrast of the background, foreground and text - The contrast ratio is 7.24:1 via WebAIM’s Color Contrast Checker.

Cognitive white space design

We have also made use of white space as it increases legibility and helps people understand what they are reading better. Sometimes more simple designs can be the most effective designs with a much better cognitive experience. It’s not all about flashy dynamic websites where users get lost or the information is too overpowering due to the content not broken down.

Code validation

Our website is built with the latest code i.e. HTML 5 and CSS 3 standards. Most of our pages have passed on The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) validator tools.

This website is HTML 5 validated This website is CSS 3 validated

Future changes

Our homepage is not fully accessible yet. The homepage rotation banners at this stage is not keyboard operable. We are trying to find alternative functionality that are fully accessible. The 'Leave a message' plugin / widget is also not currently accessible.

We are making ongoing changes to consider various types of disability where users process information differently such as auditory and visual formats as well as other elements. We are also working on the following points:

  1. Can a blind person use our website seamlessly with asssisitve technology?
  2. Can a user tab through our website with just the keyboard?

Please email iAdControl if you feel we need to further improve our website.

BBC Accessibility

For very elaborate information on how you can change your settings on your computer to be more user friendly to your personal needs then please visit BBC’s Accessibility 'How to Guides'.

We‘ll leave you with...

"In the UK the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) say that they've considered taking up a number of legal cases against organisations with regard to their websites - and the Disability Rights Commission (DRC) promise to be 'vigorous in the use of our enforcement powers' when sites ignore their duty to provide a basic level of accessibility."

Updated 2023.

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